Feb. 08, 2022 / Press Release

HARRISBURG – Recognizing the ongoing strain placed on emergency medical services (EMS) providers due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Rep. Ryan Warner (R-Fayette/Westmoreland) and his fellow lawmakers voted unanimously today to provide $25 million in grants to the organizations.

“Our EMS providers play a critical role in keeping our communities safe and healthy, but they too are struggling right now,” Warner said. “These grants would provide much-needed support to help get them through these challenging times.”

Senate Bill 739, as amended by the House, would direct $25 million in federal disaster relief funds to be distributed under the Emergency Medical Services COVID-19 Recovery Grant Program. EMS companies that qualified for similar grants in the 2019-20 fiscal year would be eligible for these funds as well. The money may be used for recruitment and retention; construction or renovation of an EMS company’s facilities; purchase or repair of equipment; debt reduction; training and certification; public education; or revenue loss.

“We recently voted to direct more than $200 million to support frontline workers in our hospitals and behavioral health facilities, and this is an extension of that effort,” Warner said. “We deeply appreciate the hard work of our first responders.

The bill now returns to the Senate, which is expected to promptly consider the bill and send it to the governor’s desk for his signature.

Representative Ryan Warner
52nd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Patricia Hippler