Warner Announces Nearly $940,000 in Transportation Grants

August 24, 2023

HARRISBURG – Two key transportation safety projects in Fayette County have been awarded nearly $940,000 in state funding, Rep. Ryan Warner (R-Fayette) announced today.

The City of Connellsville was awarded $655,000 to repair a stone wall, built in the 1930s, that supports Wills Road. This is a main thoroughfare connecting the east end to downtown, and is heavily traveled by vehicles, school buses and pedestrians.

Perry Township was awarded $284,316 to design and reconstruct a 370-foot retaining wall that serves as a bus stop for school-age children along Main Street that supports Arch Street. Deterioration of the existing wall has created a hazardous situation for vehicular traffic, children waiting for a school bus and pedestrians.

“Both of these projects are vital to protecting public safety in our communities,” Warner said. “I was pleased to support these investments in our infrastructure.” 

The grants were awarded through PennDOT’s Multimodal Transportation Fund, which aims to provide financial assistance to municipalities, councils of governments, businesses, economic development organizations, public transportation agencies, and ports and rail freight entities to improve transportation infrastructure that enhances communities, pedestrian safety and transit revitalization.

Representative Ryan Warner
52nd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Patricia Hippler
RepWarner.com / Facebook.com/RepWarner

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