Klunk, Warner Bill to Increase Transparency for State-Related Universities Signed into Law

November 16, 2023

HARRISBURG – Legislation sponsored by Reps. Kate Klunk (R-Hanover) and Ryan Warner (R-Fayette) that would make the Commonwealth’s four state-related universities fall fully under the state’s Right-to-Know Law and increase transparency was signed into law Thursday. 

After the governor signed House Bill 1556, the representatives issued the following statement: 

“Penn State, Pitt, Temple and Lincoln together received more than $600 million in state funding last fiscal year. This needed policy update will ensure the public’s trust in those institutions and give the students, families and taxpayers who support them a clearer understanding of how their dollars are being spent. 

“We are grateful to our colleagues in the House and Senate as well as the governor for recognizing the importance of our Right-to-Know update and acting quickly to codify the bill in Pennsylvania law. It is encouraging to see commonsense legislation advance through the legislative process with bipartisan support, proving Harrisburg can come together on important issues for our Commonwealth. This is truly a policy win for all of Pennsylvania.”

In a race against the clock, Klunk and Warner’s bill was signed into law before funding for the four state-related universities was finalized. With that budget issue outstanding, the law will impact the 2023-24 budget appropriation as the representatives hoped. 

Questions about this legislation or any other state-related issue may be directed to Klunk’s office at 717-630-89423 or Warner’s office at 724-437-1105.

Representative Kate A. Klunk
169th Legislative District
Representative Ryan Warner
52nd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Klunk Media Contact: Katelin Morrison
717.260.6502 / kmorrison@pahousegop.com
Warner Media Contact:  Patricia Hippler
717.772.9846 / phippler@pahousegop.com


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