You Are the Guardians of Liberty

Sep. 01, 2020 / Embed

Rep. Ryan Warner offers remarks during a regional Service to Country veterans recognition event.

Opening Prayer for House Session

Sep. 01, 2020 / Embed

Rep. Ryan Warner offers the opening prayer prior to the opening of session for the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.

Service to Country Event

Sep. 01, 2020 / Embed

This Service to Country event honors the service and sacrifices of local veterans. Rep. Matthew Dowling, Rep. Ryan Warner, and Rep. Bud Cook worked together to sponsor the event.

These Aren't Just Words That We Kick Around at a 4th of July Picnic

Jul. 14, 2020 / Embed

Rep. Ryan Warner discusses the importance of passing a constitutional amendment to allow for a stronger representative democracy in Pennsylvania.

Rep. Warner's House Floor Remarks on H.R. 836

Jun. 09, 2020 / Embed

Rep. Ryan Warner speaks in favor of resolution to end Gov. Wolf's COVID-19 emergency declaration

Why Does the Governor Have Unilateral Power in This Crisis?

May. 21, 2020 / Embed

PA State Rep. Ryan Warner explains his support for a resolution to end the governor's state of emergency regarding the COVID pandemic.

Reopening PA Businesses Safely

Apr. 14, 2020 / Embed

On April 14, the state House passed Senate Bill 613, which offers a solid first step toward getting Pennsylvania back on a path to normalcy. It would replace the current, haphazard system for determining which businesses can and cannot operate with one based on federal guidelines used in the majority of other states.

Trout Season is Just Around the Corner!

Mar. 04, 2020 / Embed

Join Rep. Ryan Warner for a conversation with Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission Executive Director Tim Schaeffer about the upcoming trout season, stocking plans and initiatives to get more people of all ages involved in fishing.

Rep. Warner Interview on Budget Proposal

Feb. 04, 2020 / Embed

PA State Rep. Ryan Warner responds to the 2020-21 Pennsylvania state budget proposal from Gov. Wolf.

Warner On Real I.D. Drivers License

Jan. 15, 2020 / Embed

State Rep. Ryan Warner states that he soon will introduce REAL I.D. Driver's License legislation that will purposely not reciprocate with other states who are allowing illegals to drive.